Preparing For Your Move
6-8 Weeks before moving day
- Check out reputable moving companies, especially my Bekins, and make sure to get written estimates. Also consider if you would like your possessions professionally packed or will be doing that yourself as this will affect the estimate.
- If your job is helping pay for the move, make sure to check with your employer to determine what services are allowed by the mover.
- Create a “Move File” to store all the information and collect expense receipts.
4-6 Weeks before moving day
- Check school schedules, enrollment requirements, and arrange to have school records transferred to the new school.
- Get auto insurance quotes for any out of state moves for your new residence.
- Notify the post office of your intent to move, online change of address forms are available.
- Create a list of everyone that is to be notified of the move, make sure to include all:
- Utilities: Electric, Gas, Water, Phone, Cable / Satellite, Sewage
- Medical Facilities: Doctor, Dentist, Pharmacy
- Professional Services: Lawyer, Broker, Insurance
- Personal Accounts: Bank, Credit Cards, Clubs, Associations, Home Care Services
- Government offices: DMV, Tax Bureaus, Social Security Administration
- Delivered materials: Magazines, Newspapers, Journals
- Don’t forget to notify friends and family!
- Have a garage or moving sale to reduce unnecessary items to move. Donate anything that isn’t sold to a reputable charity. You can find reputable tax deductable charities by visiting the IRS website.
2-4 Weeks before moving day
- Obtain appraisals for any high value items that will be part of the move and make sure to get in writing with signatures.
- If you decided on do-it-yourself packing, we can sell you discounted boxes and supplies which you can order right here online and we’ll ship them to your door or bring them to you for free.
- Be sure to clearly label any boxes you decide to pack with the contents and room which you want it to be delivered.
- Set up the exact days to have your utilities disconnected at your current home and connected at your new home. Plan to have them in use at least through moving day.
1 Week before moving day
- Make sure to use up any frozen foods and perishable items and consider donating all canned goods and non-perishable foods to charity.
- Properly dispose of all flammables such as aerosol cans, cleaning fluids, paint, ammunition, weed killer and acids… we don’t want to move stuff that might damage your household goods.
- Drain oil and gas from your lawn mower and any other power equipment that will be transported.
- Clean out the refrigerator and the freezer; allow them to dry one to two days with the doors open. Remember to block the doors to keep them from closing, especially if you have small children or pets.
- Separate any items you don’t want my Bekins to pack, and segregate them from all the items we will be packing and moving.
Pack all prescriptions and any immediate necessities in an easy to access suitcase for anything you may need during the move. If traveling by air, make sure not to check this bag. - Have a going away party. Who says you can’t throw one for yourself?
Day before move
- Contact your homeowners insurance company at least 24 hours before you release your belongings to my Bekins.
- Make sure to note any fragile items that may need special attention for the packers, or anything that you do not want packed or moved. Also note anything you will want access to first at your new home.
- Return anything you borrowed from your neighbors, they probably want their stuff back.
- If you’re doing your own packing, make sure everything is ready to go. Be sure to check closets, cabinets, sheds, and everywhere for anything you may have overlooked.
Moving day has arrived
- Be on hand at your home when my Bekins arrives and during your move just in case questions pop up, or you have any special instructions.
- Discuss the delivery arrangements with your Moving Coordinator.
- Strip the linens off your beds so they can be taken apart and moved as needed.
- Provide your movers with your contact information and the best way to get in touch with you during transit (cell phone, email, text message, smoke signals, etc.)
- Sit back, relax, and let us do our job.
- Take a last minute look around and be sure everything is shut off, unplugged, disconnected, and locked up.
Delivery Day
- Be on hand again at your new home to accept delivery.
- Check and verify your goods as they are unloaded and help direct where you would like your things to go.
- As much as we try, we’re not interior decorators, so it’s always a big help if you can tell us where you would like your furniture placed.
- Electronic equipment should be allowed time to come to room temperature before using.
- Keep all those moving documents in your move file and in a safe place. They will be needed for verification for tax returns.
The days after moving in
- Unpack. Although we do the best job we can, some things are unavoidable, and it is in your best interest to check all items for any damages. We allow you a generous window of time to report any problems because we understand that settling in is not always a speedy process.
- Check with the post office for any held mail and notify them that you are ready for delivery to begin.
- For moving out of state, be sure to check your new state requirements for your driver’s license and auto registration.
- Have a house warming party… YES another party. Meet the neighbors. Enjoy your new home.